Most Americans are throwing out their house garbage in one vinyl garbage bag, without sorting with food disposal and other materials; such as, glass, paper, can, etc...
I really want to inform that Americans are need to start their re-cycle habit in their lives.
Compare to Asia countries, American people are unknown with re-cycling benefit. According to Survey in 2010, 61% of Americans are not knowing about re-cycling benefit. Unknowing leads no action.
Here, a group from Theory of Persuastion class in Emporia State Universty presented their own plan to lead people to re-cylce in campus.
This is their main three messages.
1. Raise awareness about the need for recycling on our campus.
2. Support the sorting of food into compost bins in cafeteria
3. Increase participation in aluminum can recycling on campus
<Idea of distributing re-cycling campaign T-shirts.> |
They did this presentation on March, 2011 in the class, but I think this is need to be informed people, especially to ESU students and faculties.
Right now, there are re-cycling department exist in ESU campus, but there are no action and lack of advertisement about this department.
President Michael R. Lane written a letter to vice president to urge the re-cycling program in ESU campus. In this letter, October 27th, 2009, he mentioned that " This committee affords an opportunity to make a unique contribution, not only the University, but to our broader environment as well "
While one of the member of this group, Samantha Norris, interviewed them and said that " the member of re-cycle department asked us to help them to promote this re-cycling campaign in ESU and they would like to get our group's idea"
There are no re-cycle bins in the building of Vissel Hall, King Hall, Roosebelt Hall, and Beach Hall. It costs money to replace it. But if ESU students' effort to re-cycle in campus, this problem could fix while collecting donations to help ESU re-cylcing program.
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