Monday, April 11, 2011

2011 Sleep in a box

Emporia Rescue Mission team had speech in the yard of DIDDE
Catholic Campus Center before start Sleep-in-a- box campaign.

This huge robot made up with boxes, and has a ESU logo in the middle of the chest. This robot made effort to get attention from emporia residents, what ESU students are doing here.

              Have you slept in a box? Here, Emporia State University students were sleeping in the box from April, 8th 4: 30 p.m. to 10th Sunday, 10:30 a.m. This campaign was held to fundraise homeless in Emporia.
There were three main group, AKA, DIDDE STUCO, and CIRCLE K. These group made up their group houses and some students were promoting homeless rescue mission in the corner of ESU campus. They were collecting changes from drivers, most people were very supportive to help this mission.

After a speech from the Emporia Rescue Mission, volunteers followed the leader of ERM, to see how ERM people are living. ERM has located in right next to the kiwik shop on Merchant street. This house is made up with dark yellow paint, and had three floors. The leader of this team had lead volunteers to the first floor, and there was a kitchen and a chapel. They have been provide food for free from local communities and there is a rule in this house. "We have a chapel from 7p.m. to 8p.m. every wedseday. If they miss the chapel time, we kick off the person from this house without any exusion. This is a small promise that they had to keep in mind. We are very strict about this." said  the leader of this house. And then people moved to second floor, there was people's bedrooms which was really old metal 2 layer bed, but people are not complain about that they are comfortable that they have a room for  every night to sleep and have a family in this house while learning about Jesus' love. At the third floor, they were another room for people and the half of the room was used  a gym for the constuctions who has to make up their own strength to be able to work. Everything in this house was pretty much calm and peaceful like the other family  houses. Also the leader mentioned that "We are pretty much calmful and we are haveing peaceful days."

Everything in this campaign could have completed thanks to Emporia people's voulunteers. Every meals were supporting form emporia residents, or stores; such as, Subway, Joshs's fish, and few other donut stores. There were many voulunteers, but the free Subway ticket were given to those who were stay over one night in a sleep in a box. Since the first night of this campaign, had a heavy windy and rainy days, the volunteer had to have a bad days to sleep in a box. In the morning, they were hurry to fix up their box houses and put the vinil cover on the top to protect from another rainy day.

A student who live in Sweet Box, were sleeping in the box in the morning of second day, Saturday 9 a.m.
A house from AKA group, which had been strongly standing for a night, April 9th Saturday morning.

Volunteers for the rescue homeless in Emporia.

This campaign will be held in next spring semester, and for this 2011year, Sleep-in-a-Box raised $2,931.28 for the Emporia Rescue Mission this weekend, and  9,565 pennies left.

-Photo and written by Hyunjeong Jin

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